dermanostic — dermatologist via app 15 Jahre Erfahrung

Online der­ma­to­lo­gist diagnosis

Con­ve­ni­ent­ly cont­act the der­ma­to­lo­gist with your smart­phone — no mat­ter whe­re, no mat­ter when. You upload three pho­tos and ans­wer a ques­ti­on­n­aire. Our der­ma­to­lo­gists will send you a dia­gno­sis with the­ra­py and pre­scrip­ti­on within 24 hours.

Chan­ges in the skin, hair and nails can occur chro­ni­cal­ly or sud­den­ly. Some skin chan­ges are itchy, others are sca­ly, some are visual­ly dis­tur­bing — and not all are harm­less. With der­ma­no­stic, you recei­ve a tre­at­ment of your skin chan­ges by our expe­ri­en­ced spe­cia­lists, fle­xi­ble in terms of loca­ti­on and time, wit­hout waiting.




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Our dermatologists are licensed specialists in dermatology in Germany and some of them are internationally recognized experts in their specialist field. A specialist training in Germany lasts at least 5 years and is one of the most intensive and extensive further training courses for medical professionals worldwide. We carefully check the qualifications of our diagnosing dermatologists and work together to continuously improve our services.

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