the founders of dermanostic

dermanostic — We introduce ourselves

What is dermanotic?

der­ma­no­stic was foun­ded in April 2020 and offers pati­ents the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cont­act a der­ma­to­lo­gist via an app. Pati­ents use our app to pho­to­graph the affec­ted are­as of skin and within 24 hours recei­ve a der­ma­to­lo­gi­cal dia­gno­sis inclu­ding the­ra­py recom­men­da­ti­ons and, if neces­sa­ry, a prescription.

What makes us special?

der­ma­no­stic was foun­ded by four young doc­tors in Düs­sel­dorf, who pur­sue the idea of redu­cing unneces­sa­ry visits to the doc­tor and thus reli­e­ving the bur­den on resi­dent der­ma­to­lo­gists in particular.

Espe­ci­al­ly with der­ma­to­lo­gists, long wai­ting times for the doctor’s appoint­ment and in the prac­ti­ce on site are com­mon. This pri­ma­ri­ly affects ill­nesses in which the pati­ent is suf­fe­ring but not in an acu­te emer­gen­cy situa­ti­on. With the app we deve­lo­ped, pati­ents can get a dia­gno­sis of their skin pro­blem from our der­ma­to­lo­gists trai­ned in Ger­ma­ny wit­hout having to wait long for an appoint­ment and wit­hout having to visit a dermatologist’s practice.

How does a tre­at­ment work?

After down­loa­ding the der­ma­no­stic app, the user regis­ters and crea­tes a case for his skin chan­ge. The pati­ent takes three pho­tos of the affec­ted skin area and fills out a short ques­ti­on­n­aire. Our der­ma­to­lo­gists exami­ne and eva­lua­te the issue so that the per­son con­cer­ned has a dia­gno­sis and a the­ra­py recom­men­da­ti­on within 24 hours. If neces­sa­ry and desi­red, we will also pre­scri­be a pri­va­te pre­scrip­ti­on direct­ly so that our pati­ents can start the­ra­py as soon as possible.

Our tre­at­ment is bil­led accor­ding to the fee sche­du­le for doc­tors (GOÄ). We the­r­e­fo­re char­ge our cus­to­mers €25 per case. Most pri­va­te health insu­rance com­pa­nies cover this amount; We are in talks with the sta­tu­to­ry insu­rance carriers.

In addi­ti­on, we offer our pati­ents a money-back gua­ran­tee:
If, despi­te good pho­tos, we are not able to make a dia­gno­sis, we will inform you imme­dia­te­ly and will of cour­se reim­bur­se you for the costs.

The most important

Rapid dia­gno­sis and tre­at­ment are par­ti­cu­lar­ly important for skin chan­ges so that heal­ing can begin in the ear­ly stages and the dise­a­se does not wor­sen.
We offer you cer­tain­ty within 24 hours — regard­less of whe­ther it’s a working day or weekend and regard­less of the time zone you are in.

Down­load the der­ma­no­stic app now:

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